Douglas Mauldin is a writer member, and M. Mauldin a publisher member,
of ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers), which
licenses performances of his works (ASCAP, One Lincoln Plaza, New York,
NY 10023) www.ascap.com.
Please choose from the following categories:
For details on a title, scroll down or click on a title:
A Child's Fantasy on "Revecy", SA(A) & pno |
A Little Magic, SSA & pno (or optional string ensemble) |
Amazing Grace, SA & pno |
Arrow to the Sun, SA & pno or orchestra |
Bist du bei mir (Bach), unison treble & orchestra |
Collect, SATB a cappella |
Come, Holy Spirit ("Veni Creator Spiritus"), SATB (SSAT) & pno |
| Earthsongs for Chorus and Orchestra SA children’s chorus, SATB adult chorus, 5 soloists (soprano, alto, tenor, bass, boy soprano), orchestra (pno reduction) |
Fantasy on "Divinium Mysterium", SA & pno |
Fiesta de Fe: Festival Piece in Music & Dance, SATB, handbells, brass sextet, pno, org, dancers |
Grandfather Great Spirit, TTBB, pipe organ |
High Places, SA & pno |
In the Newness of This Moment, SAB & pno |
Introduction of the Child to the Cosmos, SATB & pno |
It Is Love, SATB & pno |
Kyrie and Gloria Laudamus Te, SATB & pno |
O Gracious Light ("Phos Hilaron"), SATB (SSAA), org/pno (or fl, ob, 'cello/hn, bells, timp, harp, org) |
| Postscripts, TTBB and Native Flute |
Prayer of Mesas, SATB & orchestra |
Prayers of the Children, SA children (optional), SATB, orchestra (or pno reduction) |
Proud Light Shines on the Mountains, The, SATB and concert band (or pno reduction) |
Simple Gifts, SA & pno, or SATB & pno |
Spirit of the Living God, Come, SATB (adult), SAB (children/youth), brass quintet, 2 perc, handbells (pno), organ |
The Minstrel Boy, Irish Air, SATB, pno |
Therefore Choose Life, SATB, pno & organ |
This is the Good News, SATB, brass quintet & timpani |
Two Songs for All-American Kids, SA & pno |
We Are One, SSAA & two flutes |
With This Child: Christmas Cantata for Treble Voices & Harp (SSAA) |
World Words, SATB & pno |
= High quality mp3 clip(s) available. |
(for the Albuquerque Boy Choir, which premiered it April 8, 1997 at the
John Donald Robb Composers Symposium in Keller Hall at the University
of New Mexico, with the composer conducting).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SA(A), pno
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- Date Composed: 1996
- Copyright: 1997 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 0:55
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript)
- Recording: Archival
recording of premiere: M Mauldin & UNM Fine Arts Library. The
premiere is also included on the Albuquerque Boy Choir CD "Songs From
Our Sixtieth", which is sold out, with only archival copies remaining.
- Lyrics: Revoici venir du Printemps, L'amoureuse et belle saison. [nonsense syllables, ie "dah", "doot", "do-ba"]
Three Songs for Boys (for the Pacific Boychoir, Kevin Fox, Founder and
Director, which first performed them September 26, 2007 at Illinois
College in Jacksonville IL). Text: three poems by Peggy Pond Church.
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SSA & pno (or optional string ensemble)
- Movement Titles (click for mp3 sound clips):
- "Prayer" (1:08)
- "Pilgrimage" (1:16)
- "Stones" (1:02)
- Date Composed: 2004
- Copyright: 2008 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 3:30
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript)
- Recording: Studio recording by the Pacific Boychoir, conducted by Kevin Fox, on the CD "Enchantment: Music by Michael Mauldin," produced by M Mauldin, $10.95 plus shipping.
- Program Notes/Reviews: "This
piece was written for an outstanding new boychoir in Oakland,
California, the Pacific Boychoir, founded and directed by Kevin
Fox. The words were written by Peggy Pond Church, who was
best-known for her book THE HOUSE AT OTOWI BRIDGE, excerpts from which
I used as the narration for my orchestral suite, ‘Enchanted
Land.’ Peggy grew up on the beautiful mesas around what is now
Los Alamos, New Mexico before her father’s boys’ school was chosen by
the government as the site for atomic-weapon research.”
- Lyrics:
I. Prayer
Let me live keenly as a lark high-soaring
In one swift arc of song across the sky;
However brief let my flight be unswerving
And straight and high.
Let me increase as rivers do and gather
Wisdom from hills and every rooted tree;
Then let me go at last like quiet water
Toward the sea.
II. Pilgrimage
The black stone:
I carried it all the way up the mountain.
When I came down, a piece of the moon was shining in my pocket.
III. Stones
Those many shaped small smooth-polished pebbles
Have been waiting so long
For the ear that can hear
How they cry out.
+AMAZING GRACE (arranged for the Albuquerque Boy Choir, which premiered it March 19, 1994 at a joint concert with the Albuquerque Girl Choir).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, pno
- Date Composed: 1994
- Copyright: 1995 M Mauldin, (c) 2001 Santa Barbara Music Publishing
- Duration (MM:SS): 2:08
Score/Parts: Santa Barbara Music Publishing (engraved), P.O. Box 41003, Santa Barbara, CA 93140, www.sbmp.com.
- Recording: Included
on two CDs by the Albuquerque Boy Choir (2900 Palomas NE, Albuquerque,
NM 87110): "One of the Family" (ABC95101), $10.00 and $3.00 shipping,
and "Tomorrow Shall Be..." (ABC 9901), $12.00 and $3.00 shipping.
- Lyrics:
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come;
'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and graced will lead me home.
When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun,
We've no less ways to sing God's praise than when we first begun.
on a Pueblo Indian legend as told in the book with the same title by
Gerald McDermott, Penguin, Inc. The original piano/vocal score
was written for Judy Mahoney and the Hubert Humphrey Elementary School
Chorus, Albuquerque, which first performed it in 1989 at a school arts
fair. The orchestrated version was for the Albuquerque Boy Choir,
the Albuquerque Girl Choir and the Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra,
which gave the premiere, conducted by Elliott Higgins on March 1 and
March 8, 1982 in Albuquerque).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, pno or orchestra (2222/4331/2 perc & timp/strgs).
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- Date Composed: 1989 (orchestrated 1981)
- Duration (MM:SS): 4:20
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript and computer generated)
- Recording: Archival videotape of the premiere performances, M Mauldin.
- Lyrics:
Long ago the Lord of the Sun sent the spark of life to earth. It
traveled down the rays of the Sun through the heavens to the Pueblo,
and it entered the house of a young Maiden.
In this way the Boy came into the world of men. He lived and grew
and played in the Pueblo. But the other boys would not let him
join their games. "Where is your father?" they asked. "You
do not have a father!" They chased him away. The Boy and
his mother were sad.
[children] Mother, I must look for my father. No matter where he is, I must find him.
[narrator] So the Boy left home. He traveled through the world of men and came to Corn Planter.
[children] Can you lead me to my Father?
[narrator] Corn Planter said nothing, but continued to tend his crops. The Boy went to Pot Maker.
[children] Can you lead me to my Father?
[narrator] Pot Maker said nothing, but continued to make her clay pots. Then the Boy went to Arrow Maker, who was a wise man.
[children] Can you lead me to my Father? No matter where he is, I must find him.
Arrow Maker did not answer, but, because he was wise, he saw that the
Boy had come from the sun. So he created a special arrow.
The Boy became the arrow. Arrow Maker fitted the Boy to his boy
and drew it. The Boy flew into the heavens. In this way,
the Boy traveled to the sun. When the Boy saw the mighty Lord, he
[children, spoken] Father, it is I, your son.
Perhaps you are my son. Perhaps you are not. You must pass
through the four chambers of ceremony--the kiva of Lions, the kiva of
Serpents, the kiva of Bees and the kiva of Lightning.
[children, spoken] Yes, Father, I will endure these trials. [music]
When the Boy came from the kiva of Lightning, he was transformed.
He was filled with the power of the Sun. The Father and his Son
rejoiced. "Now you must return to earth, my Son, and bring my
spirit to the world of men."
[children, spoken] Yes, Father, I will return to earth.
[narrator] Once again the Boy became the arrow. When the arrow reached the earth, the Boy emerged, and went to the Pueblo.
Long ago the Lord of the Sun sent the spark of life to earth. It
traveled down the rays of the sun through the heavens to the Pueblo,
and it entered the house of a young Maiden.
(Bach, arranged for the Albuquerque Boy Choir, the Albuquerque Girl
Choir and the Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra, which gave the
premiere, conducted by Elliott Higgins on March 1 and March 8, 1982 in
- Voicing/Instrumentation: Unison treble and orchestra (2222/4332/timp/strgs).
- ASCAP Title Code: 020372058
- Date Composed: 1982
- Duration (MM:SS): 2:40
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript and computer generated)
- Recording: Archival videotape of the premiere performances, M Mauldin.
(written for the Chancel Choir of the First Presbyterian Church,
Topeka, Kansas, which premiered it December 3, 1978, directed by
Richard Gayhart; the text was written for a Festival of the Singing
Church by Kenneth L. Mauldin, the composer's father, senior
pastor of the church).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, a cappella
- ASCAP Title Code: 330454156
- Date Composed: 1978
- Copyright: 1978 M Mauldin and Kenneth L Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 1:30
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript)
- Recording: None
- Lyrics:
O God of truth: light of the minds that know You,
Strength of those who worship You, joy of all who love You;
Let Your truth live in us, that we and all Your people,
may walk in a straight path and work with integrity
and rejoice in Your redeeming love.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
(based on "Veni Creator Spiritus", plainsong, and arranged for the
Albuquerque Boy Choir, which premiered it November 7, 1998 in
Albuquerque, with the composer conducting).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB (SSAT), pno.
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- ASCAP Title Code: 030086541
- Date Composed: 1998
- Copyright: 1999 Neil A Kjos Music Co (4380 Jutland Drive, San Diego, CA 92117, www.kjos.com).
- Duration (MM:SS): 3:33
- Score/Parts: Neil A Kjos Music Co.
- Recording: The
Albuquerque Boy Choir CD, "Tomorrow Shall Be..." (ABC 9901, 2900
Palomas Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 ($12.00 and $3.00 shipping)).
- Lyrics:
Come, Holy Spirit, our souls inspire, and lighten with celestial fire;
Thou the anointing Spirit art, who dost Thy sevenfold gifts impart.
Thy Blessed unction from above is comfort, life, and fire of love;
Enable with perpetual light the dullness of our mortal sight.
Teach us to know the Father, Son, and thee, of both, to be but one;
That through the ages all along this may be our endless song:
Praise to Thine eternal merit, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Program notes:
"I had been looking for a text to set for my boy choir the next
season. A week before taking them to England, I was in church
singing the hymn 'Come, Holy Spirit' and thinking that the spirit that
children bring to music is from God. Suddenly I could hear in my
head a flowing piano accompaniment for the hymn tune--something to
match and complement the choir's own beauty as well as that of the tune
itself. Though other projects waited on the shelf, this piece was
finished in a matter of hours. All of us are visited by the
creative forces of the Holy Spirit all of the time. But we don't
always pay attention."
(commissioned by the Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program for an American
music concert by the AYS and intergenerational civic choirs,
conducted by Gabriel Gordon in UNM’s Popejoy Hall on January 30, 2010).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: Picc,
2222, 3431, 2 perc, timp, harp, SA children’s chorus, SATB adult
chorus, strgs and 5 soloists: soprano, alto, tenor, bass, and boy
- Movement Titles (click for mp3 sound clips of premiere performance):
- My Words Are Tied in One
- The Dance of the Sun
- Our Mother the Earth
- She Languishes
- Exodus from Chaco
- May All Creation Dance for You
- ASCAP Title Code: 880901278
- Date Composed: 2009
- Copyright: 2009 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 24:00
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (computer-engraved, available for sale/rental).
- Lyrics:
I. My Words Are Tied in One (Tenor Soloist and Combined Choirs)
(Text: Yokuts Indian Prayer and Ojibway Prayer)
My words are tied in one with the great mountains,
My words are tied in one with the great rocks, with the great trees,
In one with my body and my heart.
Grandfather, look at our brokenness.
We know that the human family has strayed from the sacred way.
O sacred one, teach us love and honor,
That we may heal the earth, and each other.
O Grandfather, we are the ones who must get back together, to walk in the sacred way.
II. The Dance of the Sun (Men)
(Text: Native American Song)
All winter long behind every thunder, guess what we heard.
Behind every thunder the song of a bird, a trumpeting bird.
All winter long beneath every snowing, guess what we saw.
Beneath every snowing a thaw and a growing, a greening and growing.
Where did we run beyond gate and guardsman? Guess if you can.
Beyond gate and guardsman, all winter long, we ran to the sun, the dance of the sun.
III. Our Mother the Earth (Alto Soloist, Children, Women)
(Text: Tewa Pueblo Prayer)
Our mother the earth, Our father the sky, your children we are.
With tired backs, we bring you the gifts that you love.
Then weave for us a garment of brightness.
May the warp be the white light of morning.
May the weft be the red light of evening.
May the fringes be the falling rain.
May the border be the standing rainbow.
IV. She Languishes (Bass Soloist and Adult Mixed Choir)
(Text: Isaiah 24 and Chinook Psalter)
The earth dries up. The earth dries up and withers.
The world languishes and withers.
The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants.
They have broken the lasting covenant.
The winds carry strange smells; this is a day of change.
Great ones above and below, bless us.
V. Exodus from Chaco (Boy Soprano and Children)
(Text: Michael Mauldin)
Always walking. Grandfather, where do we go?
And why do we leave our home?
Thirsty, I’m thirsty. Grandfather, when can we stop?
Why can’t we go back to our home?
You said our cities were great ones. You said our fathers were wise.
Why then can’t we go back to the center of the world?
Why then can’t we go back to our home?
VI. May All Creation Dance for You (all Soloists and Choirs)
(Text: Chinook Psalter, Pawnee Prayer, Yokuts Indian Prayer, Ojibway Prayer)
May all things move and be moved in me, and know and be known in me.
May all creation dance for you in me.
Eagle soaring, see the morning. See the new mysterious morning, the child of God and darkness.
My words are tied in one with the great rocks, with the great trees,
In one with my body and my heart.
O sacred one, teach us love and honor,
That we may heal the earth and each other.
O Grandfather, we are the ones who must get back together to walk in the sacred way.
+FANTASY ON "DIVINIUM MYSTERIUM" ( for the Albuquerque Boy Choir, which premiered it February 14, 1993 in Placitas, NM, with the composer conducting).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, pno
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- ASCAP Title Code: 360534521
- Date Composed: 1993
- Copyright: 1995 M Mauldin, (c) 2001 Santa Barbara Music Publishing
- Duration (MM:SS): 1:40
- Score/Parts: Santa Barbara Music Publishing (engraved) P.O. Box 41003 Santa Barbara, CA 93140, www.sbmp.com.
- Recording: None
- Lyrics:
Of the Father's love begotten Ere the worlds began to be
He is Alpha and Omega, He the source the ending He.
Of the things that are, that have been, And that future years shall see
Ever more and ever more.
O ye heights of heav'n adore Him. Angel hosts His praises sing;
powers, dominions bow before Him. And extol our God and King.
Let no tongue on earth be silent, Ev'ry voice in concert ring,
Ever more and ever more. Amen.
FESTIVAL PIECE IN MUSIC AND DANCE (commissioned by the Synod of the
Southwest of the United Presbyterian Church, combined choirs of which
premiered it October 7, 1977 at the First Presbyterian Church in
Albuquerque with organist Goodsell Slocum, pianist Michael Mauldin,
First Presbyterian Church Handbell Ringers, dancers Sharon Pruitt et
al, conducted by Donald Pettit).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB chorus, alto soloist, 2 tpt, 2 trb, hn, bass trb, handbells, piano, organ, dancers, narrator.
- Movement Titles:
- "Celebrate the Light"
- "Celebrate the Silence"
- "Celebrate the Space" [piano, organ, dancers]
- "Ojo de Dios"
- "Response: Ojo de Dios"
- "Celebrate the Light"
- Date Composed: 1977
- Copyright: 1978 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 9:35
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript)
- Recording: Archival recording of 1978 performance in Topeka, Kansas, M Mauldin
- Lyrics:
I. Celebrate the Light
the light of the morning with singing. Be one with the need of
the earth for rain. Rejoice in the sounds of living things, for
God has declared them good. Celebrate the light of the evening with
singing. Be one with the old and the new, the same. Rejoice
in the sounds of living things, for God has declared them good.
Dance with the stirring of spring under the melting snow; Be still and
reflect the colors of fall. Join in the laughter of youth and
share the wisdom of age; Enjoy the fullness of faith in the purpose of
II. Celebrate the Silence
Celebrate the silence with silence. [sung] The ancient cities now
stand silent, and the wind sighs around the corners, but wherever you
walk you hear the footsteps of those who preceded you. [narrator]
"You shall not oppress the heart of a stranger; you know the heart of a
stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt."
III. Celebrate the Space
[piano, organ, dancers]
IV. Ojo de Dios (Psalms 33:18-22)
the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His
steadfast love, that he may deliver their soul from death, and keep
them alive in famine. Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help
and shield. Yea, our heart is glad in Him, because we trust in
his Holy name. Let They steadfast Love, O Lord be upon us, even
as we hope in Thee.
V. Response
[accompanied by organ, a responsive reading between choirs and congregation of the same text]
VI. Celebrate the Light [reprise]
+GRANDFATHER GREAT SPIRIT, for Men's Chorus and Pipe Organ (for De Profundis Men's Ensemble of Albuquerque, David Poole, Director, which premiered it, with organist James Rasmussen, at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Albuquerque, for the American Guild of Organists Convention, June 29, 2009).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: TTBB and pipe organ
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- Date Composed: 2009
- Copyright:2009 M. Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 3:10
- Score/Parts: manuscript, M. Mauldin
- Recording: archival recording of the premiere
- Lyrics: Sioux Prayer:
Grandfather Great Spirit, all over the world the faces of living ones are alike.
With tenderness they have come up out of the ground.
Look upon your children, that they may face the winds and walk the good road to the Day of Quiet.
Grandfather Great Spirit, give us the strength to understand.
Fill us with the light that we may walk the soft earth as relatives of all that live.
(not musically related to Mauldin's orchestral work with the same name,
this was written for mid-school chorus, but was first performed by the
women of the Washburn University Concert Choir, Directed by Floyd
Hedberg, on a concert of Mauldin works in Topeka, Kansas).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, pno
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- Date Composed: 1985
- Copyright: 1985 Composer America Editions (later returned to M Mauldin)
- Duration (MM:SS): 2:10
- Score/Parts: (engraved simulation, web press) M Mauldin, $.75 each.
- Recording: An archival recording of a performance by the Albuquerque Boy Choir, M Mauldin.
- Lyrics:
with me to the high places. Come with me to where the earth and
sky join hands. Let them touch you and set you free. Open
up your heart; We all can do our part. Help me plant a tree whose
shade we'll never see. Follow along every day beside me.
Open your ears to the harmony we sing. Let me touch you; I'll set
you free. Now is the time. Now we can fly. We've got
the courage; together we'll try. This is our place; joyous we
are. Nothin' to keep us from goin' far. Open up your heart;
we all can do our part. Help me plant a tree whose shade we'll
never see. Open your mind to the sense of it. Open your
heart to the love of the living world. Come with me to the high
places. Follow the wind to where the sun and moon join
hands. Let them touch you and set you free. Open up your
heart. We have a way to start: Help me plant a tree, and
you will set me free.
+IN THE NEWNESS OF THIS MOMENT (commissioned by Las Placitas Presbyterian Church, which premiered it February 27, 1994 in Placitas, NM). - Voicing/Instrumentation: SAB, pno
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- Date Composed: 1993
- Duration (MM:SS): 2:55
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript)
- Recording: None
- Lyrics:
In the newness of this moment, we have come to remember.
In the newness of this moment, we have come to renew.
God calls us to be the church in the world. God calls us to take good care of His people.
He gives us the power. We are only children, yes, children, the children of God.
In the stillness of this morning, we have come to listen.
In the stillness of this morning, we have come to retell.
God calls us to be the church in the world. God calls us to take good care of His people.
He gives us the power. We are only children, yes, children, the children of God.
In the newness of this moment, we have come to remember.
In the newness of this moment, we have come to renew.
God calls us to be the friends of the poor. God calls us to be the givers of mercy.
We are evr'y color. We are evr'y race of children, the children of God.
God calls to be the church in the world. God calls us to take good care of His people
and to praise His holy name.
(written to commemorate the birth of the composer's first child,
Kendall. The text, an adaptation of a poem of the Omaha Indian Tribe,
was given to Mauldin by his good friend Robert Seufert before the
birth. The piece was first performed November 18, 1983 by the
Washburn University Concert Choir, conducted by Floyd Hedberg, at a
concert of Mauldin's works in Topeka, Kansas. The work
subsequently won first-place in a national competition, the Ninth
Annual Ithaca College Choral Composition Contest and Festival, where it
was performed November 14, 1987 in Ford Auditorium at Ithaca College by
the Horseheads High School Choir, conducted by Chuck Griffeth).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, pno
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- ASCAP Title Code: 390461964
- Date Composed: 1979
- Copyright: 1989 M Mauldin, (c) 2001 Santa Barbara Music Publishing.
- Duration (MM:SS): 3:30
- Score/Parts: Santa Barbara Music Publishing (engraved), P.O. Box 41003 Santa Barbara, CA 93140, www.sbmp.com.
- Recording: On the CD, "I Have Had Singing", by the Sangre de Cristo Chorale, Sheldon Kalberg, Director, PO Box 4462, Santa Fe, NM 87502.
- Lyrics:
Oh ye Sun, Moon, Stars, all ye that move in the heavens, I bid you hear me!
Into your midst has come a new life. Consent ye I implore.
Make its path smooth that it may reach the brow of the first hill!
Oh ye Winds, Clouds, Rain, Mist, all ye that move in the air, I bid you hear me!
Into your midst has come a new life. Consent ye I implore.
Make its path smooth that it may reach the brow of the second hill!
Oh ye Hills, Valleys, Rivers, Lakes, Trees, Grasses, all ye of the earth, I bid you
hear me! Into your midst has come a new life. Consent ye I implore.
Make its path smooth that it may reach the brow of the third hill!
Oh all ye of the heavens, Oh all ye of the air, oh all ye of the earth; I bid you all
to hear me! Into your midst has come a new life. Consent ye all I implore.
Make its path smooth that it may travel beyond the four hills!
(commissioned by Frank Rimmer, for the choir at First Presbyterian
Church in Denton, Texas, in loving memory of Elizabeth Rimmer.
The text is by Ralph Waldo Emerson).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, pno
- Sound Clip(s) (sequenced mp3):
- Date Composed: 1990
- Copyright: 1990 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 2:55
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript). Printable download available for purchase from MyScoreStore.com:
- Recording: None
- Lyrics:
We must learn that the Highest dwells within us,
that the sources of nature are in our own minds.
There is deep power in which we exist and whose beatitude is accessible to us.
It comes to the lowly and the simple;
it comes to whosever will put off what is proud; it comes as insight;
it comes as serenity and grandeur. --the eternal One.
For ever and ever the influx of this more universal self is new and unsearchable.
Within us is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty; the eternal One.
When it breaks through our intellect it is genius;
when it breathes through our will it is virtue;
when it breathes through our affections it is love.
(commissioned by the Sangre de Cristo Chorale, which premiered it in
Los Alamos, NM on March 14, 1998 and in Santa Fe, NM on March 15, 1998,
directed by Sheldon Kalberg and accompanied by Cindy Little, in honor
of the chorale's 20th anniversary).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, pno
- Movement Titles (click for mp3 sound clips):
- Kyrie
- Gloria Laudamus Te
- ASCAP Title Code: 410126984
- Date Composed: 1997
- Copyright: 1997 M Mauldin, (c) 2001 Santa Barbara Music Publishing.
- Duration (MM:SS): 6:00
- Score/Parts: [Published as two separate pieces] Santa Barbara Music Publishing, (engraved) P.O. Box 41003 Santa Barbara, CA 93140, www.sbmp.com.
- Recording: Archival recording of premiere (Sangre de Cristo Chorale, PO Box 4462, Santa Fe, NM 87502).
- Lyrics:
I. Kyrie
O dear God, give us what we need: joy and delight in our lovely seed.
Help us nurture them with such care that they themselves with their young
may share. (repeat) Lord, look to your people; judge them with equity,
be merciful. Make your face shine upon us. (repeat). (repeat both parts)
II. Gloria Laudamus Te
Gloria, in excelsis Deo (repeats) Laudamus te. Benedicimus te. Adoramus te.
We praise you. We bless you. We worship you O God! (repeat first part)
Songs for Native Flute and Men’s Chorus (for De Profundis, A Cappella
Men’s Ensemble of Albuquerque, David Poole, Director and James
Pellerite, Native Flute, for the De Profundis concert, “Native Voices,”
with special guest James Pellerite, on March 28/29, 2009 at Immanuel
Presbyterian Church and St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church,
- Voicing/Instrumentation: TTBB and Native flute.
- Movement Titles:
- "Prayer to All That Is"
- "Blessing"
- "Farewell"
- Date Composed: 2008
- Copyright: 2009 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 5:35
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript)
- Lyrics:
I. Prayer to All That Is Love, let me see beyond my anger, beyond my pain, beyond my fear,
To what is sacred and lovely, that I may love, that I may be loved.
Love, let me hear beyond the shouting, beyond the crashing, beyond the hate,
To what is gentle, and quiet, that I may hear, that we may hear,
the still, small voice.
II. Blessing
There is no single way to show your love, no single path to walk to be good and true.
We have the power to heal everyone we know, only if those we bless will accept what we do.
III. Farewell
May you return when your journey is done, having fulfilled your mission.
Find happiness with your friends and family, and be the thing you want to see.
(commissioned by the Ghost Ranch Choral Camp, Don Hermonat, Director,
for its twentieth anniversary, dedicated to the composer's son, Kevin,
and first performed by members of the camp, conducted by Robert
Simpson, July 16, 1989 in Albuquerque).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB (or SSAA) with organ, or also with fl, ob, 'cello (or hn), bells, timp, harp.
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- Date Composed: 1989
- Duration (MM:SS): 4:10
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript)
- Recording: For
pno and voices only by the Albuquerque Boy Choir (2900 Palomas NE,
Albuquerque, NM 87110) on its CD, "Songs From Our Sixtieth", sold out,
archival copy only.
- Lyrics:
("Phos Hilaron")
O Gracious Light,
pure brightness of the ever living Father in heaven,
O Jesus Christ, Holy and Blessed!
Now as we come to the setting of the sun, and our eyes behold the vesper light,
We sing Thy praises, O God. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we praise Thee.
Thou are worthy, at all times to be praised by happy voices.
O Son of God, O Giver of life, and to be glorified throughout all the worlds.
for Large Orchestra and Chorus (commissioned by the University of New
Mexico and the city of Albuquerque for the UNM Centennial Celebration,
during which it was premiered at the UNM Arena October 20, 1988 by the
UNM Chorus and Orchestra, Harold Van Winkle, conductor).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, picc2222, bass cl, (optional saxes: 2 E-flat alto, 1 B-flat tenor, 1 bari), 4331, 2 perc, timp, harp, strgs.
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- ASCAP Title Code: 460316701
- Date Composed: 1988
- Copyright: 1989 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 7:15
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript)
- Recording: UNM archival recording of January 6, 1989 performance, Stewart Robertson, conductor, in Popejoy Hall, UNM. Also
recorded by the Kiev Philharmonic, conducted by Robert Ian Winstin, on
Volume 14 of the Masterworks of the New Era, produced by ERM Media, www.numusic.org.
- Lyrics:
Father the Sun, Our Mother the Earth, Bless this place where the powers move--
the great powers move between earth and sky! May the people that move upon us
know from whence they came, that they may let the earth heal. May they let the
earth heal, that they may live among us, and know from whence they came.
- Program Notes/Reviews: The Spanish word for "table," a mesa is a high or flat tableland with steep sides. Mesas sometimes have vivid colors and interesting shapes that make them resemble great creatures resting in the Southwestern landscape. The text comes from my pondering what such beings might think of people.
Enchanted Mesa at Acoma
(commissioned by the New Mexico Music Educators Association for its
50th-Anniversary Celebration and premiered by the New Mexico All-State
Symphony Orchestra and Mixed Chorus January 8, 1994 in Popejoy Hall,
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB (& optional SA children), (pno reduction score available), picc2222, bass cl, 4331, 2 perc, timp, strgs.
- Movement Titles (click for mp3 sound clips):
- Please Don't Let Them Die
- God Bless the Winds and the Waters of the World
- ASCAP Title Code: 461839878
- Date Composed: 1993
- Copyright: 1993 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 8:25
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (computer-engraved, available for sale/rental).
- Recording: NMMEA archival recording of the premiere.
- Lyrics:
I. Please Don't Let Them Die
Father, I'm sorry to bother you. Father, I'm sorry to trouble you.
But father, I need to talk to you, and father, I need to explain to you.
I don't ask for myself; please will you hear my prayer?
Children--there are many children. Hunger--they know much hunger,
and hatred--they are touched by hatred.
Please don't let them die; please help them, will you try?
Where is the love that brought them forth to the world, that brought them life?
Where is the selflessness that cares for another man's child,
that cares for a child that has no home.
Give him the strength and the will to survive, and the hope for a hinder way,
for a better day, when the children shall be safe.
Orphans--there are many orphans. Runaways--there are many runaways.
Hunger--they know much hunger, and hatred--they are touched by hatred.
Please don't let them die; please help them, will you try?
II. God Bless the Winds and the Waters of the World
God bless the winds and the waters of the world.
May they always blow free and flow clean,
so they will not so much hurt and destroy, but give life and hope.
Give us the knowledge to heal the world. Give us the courage to try.
We will work to save the water. We will work to save the air.
We will teach our children's children to handle earth with care.
concert band and chorus (commissioned by Fort Lewis College in Durango,
Colorado for the Centennial Celebration of Mesa Verde National Park in
2006, and premiered by the FLC Concert Band and Concert and Chamber
Choirs on March 24, 2006, conducted by Linda Mack).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: picc,
fls 1 & 2, obs 1 & 2, cl 1, 2 & 3, bass cl, bsns 1 & 2,
alto sax 1 & 2, tenor sax, bari sax, tps 1, 2 & 3, hns 1, 2, 3
& 4, euphonium, tuba, timp, glock/vibes, sus cym, snare/BD, harp,
chorus (pno reduction score available).
- ASCAP Title Code: 502422819
- Date Composed: 2005
- Copyright: 2005 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 5:09
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (computer-engraved. The full score, parts and choral/pno scores available for sale/rental).
- Recording: None
- Lyrics:
The proud light shines on the mountains, the rim of a sacred world,
Collecting the prayers and the blessings of the sky.
Here nothing is taken for granted, we speak with each living thing.
Life and death are before us where we walk.
The gods stare back from the rock.
But where did they come from, and where did they go?
They live among us; we seek their mind.
We honor special places
that teach us how our fathers loved the design in living things.
The brave green of the plant, the breath of bird, the song of child
mix with light and empty space.
The proud light shines on the mountains,
The valleys, the pathways
Where we walk.
Review: "Mauldin's dramatic piece seamlessly wove the textured melodies as its gentle opening made way for the combined voices.The balanced piece seemed perfectly written for the talent of college musicians."
(Shaker Song, the SA version of which was adapted for the Albuquerque
Boy Choir in 1994 and premiered by the ABC at a joint concert with the
Albuquerque Girl Choir in Albuquerque on March 19, 1994; the SATB
arrangement, for the Chancel Choir of St. Paul Lutheran Church in
Albuquerque was premiered by that group July 6, 1997, led by Bradley
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, pno; or SATB, pno.
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- ASCAP Title Code: 190119865
- Date Composed: 1994 (SA version), 1997 (SATB version)
- Copyright: 1994 (SA) and 1997 (SATB) by Neil A. Kjos Music Co (4380 Jutland Drive, San Diego, CA 92117, www.kjos.com).
- Duration (MM:SS): 2:10
- Score/Parts: Neil A. Kjos Music Co.
- Recording: On
two CDs by the Albuquerque Boy Choir (2900 Palomas NE, Albuquerque, NM
87110): (1) "One of the Family" (ABC95101), $10.00 and $3.00 shipping,
and (2) "Songs From Our Sixtieth", sold out, archival copy only.
- Lyrics:
'Tis gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'tis the gift to come down where you ought to be,
and when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained, to bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed.
To turn, turn will be our delight, till by turning, turning we come 'round right.
+SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD, COME (commissioned by St. John's United Methodist Church, Albuquerque New Mexico, Jose Daniel Flores, Director of Music Ministries, in honor of the church's fiftieth anniversary, and premiered by its choirs, handbells and brass on December 25, 2000).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB adult choir, SAB children & youth choir, brass quintet, 2 percussion (snare and timpani), handbells (or pno), organ. Choral part with organ-only accompaniment available.
- ASCAP Title Code: 497198637
- Date Composed: 2000
- Copyright: 2009 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 5:05
- Score/Parts: manuscript, M. Mauldin.
- Recording: None
- Lyrics: by Michael Mauldin:
Spirit of the living God, Come. Come into our midst and bless us.
We are many but we share the one desire for love and compassion for us all!
Lighten with celestial brightness. Comfort, life and fire of love, come.
We are many but we share the one desire for love and compassion for us all!
Praise to thine eternal merit, Father, Son and Spirit.
Give us all the courage to let love alone guide us.
Spirit of the living God, come. Cone into our midst and bless.
Help us hear another person's story. Young and old, we honor each one's glory.
The glory of love for us all.
Let us behold the wisdom of the child, the beauty of the old, the strange and new.
Spirit of the living God, Come. Come into our midst and bless us.
We are many but we share the one desire for love and compassion for us all!
We are many, we are many, we are many.
Spirit bless us. Spirit bless us all!
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, pno
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- Date Composed: 2002
- Copyright: 2002 Santa Barbara Music Publishing.
- Duration (MM:SS): 1:40
- Score/Parts: Santa Barbara Music Publishing (engraved), P.O. Box 41003 Santa Barbara, CA 93140, www.sbmp.com.
- Recording: none
- Lyrics:
The minstrel boy to the war has gone, In the ranks of death you"ll find him,
His father's sword he hath girded on, His wild harp slung behind him,
"Land of song," said the warrior bard, "Tho' all the world betrays thee,
One sword at least thy rights shall guard, One faithfull harp shall praise thee."
The minstrel fell but the foeman's chain could not bring that proud soul under;
The harp he loved never spoke again, For he tore its chords asunder,
And said, "No chain shall sully thee, Thou soul of love and brav'ry!
Thy songs were made for the pure and free, They shall never sound in slav'ry."
- Reviews/Program notes: Thomas Moore (1779-1852), Irish poet and musician, set his poem to the melody of "The Moreen," an old Irish aire, and titled it "The Minstrel Boy." It became a favorite of Irishmen who fought during the US Civic War, primarily on the Union side.
+THEREFORE CHOOSE LIFE (commissioned by the Protestant Chaplain Fund of Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, which premiered it May, 20, 1979).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, pno & organ.
- ASCAP Title Code: 500462897
- Date Composed: 1979
- Duration (MM:SS): 2:55
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript and computer generated)
- Recording: None
- Lyrics:
Each generation, a handful of people is vouchsafed the insight into primal mystery.
O God grant them wisdom; O God give us the courage
that we may use their insight for the good of Thy people,
that we may use their knowledge for the good of the earth.
And Moses said, "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you,
that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
therefore choose life, that thou and thy seed may live."
(commissioned by First United Presbyterian Church, Albuquerque, for its
Chancel Choir, which premiered it on Easter Sunday, 1982. The
text is a confession of the United Presbyterian Church).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, 2 tps, hn, trb, tuba, timpani.
- ASCAP Title Code: 500462888
- Date Composed: 1981
- Copyright: 1988 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 3:20
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript)
- Recording: Archival recording of the premiere.
- Lyrics:
This is the good news which we received, in which we stand, and by which we are saved:
that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,
that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day,
that He appeared to Peter, then to the Twelve and to many faithful witnesses.
We believe He is the Christ, the Song of the living God.
He is the First, the Last, the Beginning and the End.
He is our Lord and our God.
+TWO SONGS FOR ALL-AMERICAN KIDS (for the Albuquerque Boy Choir, which premiered it May 19, 1991 in Albuquerque, conducted by John Clark).
I. Why Didn't You Tell Me?
Oh Mom, Hey Dad. Why didn't you tell me that the world is full of a number of things that just don't make sense.
Why does a dog scare a cat and a cat scare a mouse but a mouse scare an elephant?
(repeat opening)
Why do the birds and the bees seem to know where to go even though they don't study it?
(repeat opening)
There are people with alot; there are people who have not.
But it really doesn't matter what you've got if you're not enjoying it.
(repeat opening)
Why do we go far away dreaming of just the love that is right here inside of us?
(repeat opening)
II. The Age of Human Freedom
This is the age of human freedom. There is no stopping what's begun.
It's taken hundreds of our years; it's taken millions of our lives.
The human heart will not rest until it is free to love what it chooses to love.
There is no price we will not pay for liberty and justice now.
This is the age of human freedom. There is no stopping what's begun.
for Women's Chorus and Two Flutes (commissioned by the Santa Fe Women's
Ensemble, which premiered it April 20, 25 and 27, 1997 in Santa Fe,
directed by Linda Raney and accompanied by flutists Charly Drobeck and
Nancy Laupheimer. The text is by Penny Raife Durant).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SSAA, 2 flutes.
- Sound Clip(s) (mp3):
- ASCAP Title Code: 531901470
- Date Composed: 1997
- Copyright: 1997 M Mauldin and Penny Raife Durant.
- Duration (MM:SS): 5:40
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript)
- Recording: Archival recording of premiere.
- Lyrics:
We are one with the sun, warming our neighbors, lighting the way.
We are one with the wind, the wind caressing the trees, and clearing the air.
We are one with the mountain, strong, unchanging from generation to generation, sentinels.
(repeat first line)
We are one with the ocean, the moving uplifting waves, a rich, warm womb.
We are one with the mountain, strong, unchanging from generation to generation, we are sentinels.
We are one with the desert, vast and colorful, proud and swept by the winds of time.
We are one with the forest, alive, replenishing, a home for the wolf and the fawn.
We are one with the river, gathering force, so relentless, powerful.
We are one with the ebbing, flowing with the seasons, powerful, relentless.
(repeat opening)
We are one with the ocean, the wind, the forest, the desert, the river, the mountain,
We are one.
the work was commissioned by the Santa Fe Women's Ensemble for its
tenth anniversary, which premiered it December 13-16, 1990 in Santa Fe,
conducted by Linda Raney and accompanied by Rosalind Simpson, harp).
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SSAA, harp.
- Movement Titles (click for mp3 sound clips):
- Holy Mother
- O Child, May We Know You
- Now the Star
- Dream of Darkness
- Song of Light
- ASCAP Title Code: 530430623
- Date Composed: 1990
- Copyright: 1990 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 16:35
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (manuscript)
- Recording: Archival recording of premiere. The
Santa Fe Women's Ensemble, conducted by Linda Raney, included the work
on their CD "Glad Tidings," available from the SFWE, 424 Kathryn Place,
Santa Fe NM 87501 (www.sfwe.org).
- Lyrics:
I. Holy Mother
nights press the light while darkness holds sway--chill claws the air
from the quivering north--Mother rides on behind her veil. Noon's blaze
on her cheek cools with even a breeze. The sun's arc has shrunk
as she's grown full inside. O Mother, sustain us. She signs winds
at dusk. She cries gales in the night--waves white with pain
heave to bring in the life. O Mother renew your people. O
Mother, sustain us.
II. O Child, May We Know You
who here is born with the heightening light? Child of faith, our
own hope of heart, word of love, the Christ mind. O Child may we
know you--and crown your sweet head, and give our two hands, whole
heart to all that you shine for. Hushed, the animals rest 'round
mother and babe. Husband looks on, amazed. He
whispers: "Mother of space, child of time, sleep on, sleep, the
long night lets you heal. I'll keep you, gift of God, word in
form. Grant me ways of worthiness. Child of my God, teach
me what you need; What shall I show you?"
III. Now the Star
the great star that astrologers told would blaze forth to guild us all
long journey through. "It heralds a great king." Lo the
star leads our path to the cradle of light. Praise to the child
of the ages! "Take fine things, and rare to honor His coming--you
must" said the old ones, "go and lay them at His feet; with this child
an epoch is born." Lo the star leads our path to the cradle of
light. Praise to the child of the ages. Many a full moon
over the mountains, forest torrents, endless suns pounding our path
over desert sands we've seen for the honored one. The wise king
is he who is willing to bow beyond himself to the source of all
pow'r. Thus come we to kneel before the truth of God in human
IV. Dream of Darkness (harp interlude)
V. Song of Light
trumpeting, radiance surround us: a vision fills the sky. We
shrink in the brightness, stunned in the night, the field's lit clear
around. "Fear not", the angel sings, "For fear has no place here,
Fear has no place to be, no need to be. Peace be in the heart, peace be
in the heart of the mind. Word of great glory I bring: a Savior's
born tonight, Emmanuel, God with us! Now dawns the morning of
deliverance. To one, to all the news I bring--this is joy
supreme, angels come and sing, Glory to God most high. Peace,
peace in glory to God most high. Angels come sing, come and
play. Sing out and play!" Spirit and earth conceived.
Now from her dark womb the light has emerged. And love's in the
lap of the world. So strum the spectrum blow heavenly horns
that people may see, people may hear the savior's here
today. Peace, peace our savior is with us today.
Alleluia. The savior's ours today. Glory to God most
high. Alleluia!
"Intriguingly new and overwhelmingly beautiful. His is an
exquisite contemporary text with music to match. The Christmas
musical market needs something new and different. This is it!" --NEW MEXICAN
(dedicated to the Concert Choir of the Albuquerque Boy Choir, which
premiered it under the direction of Edmund Torrez on May 17, 2003 in
- Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, pno.
- Movement Titles (click for mp3 sound clips):
- Nasha hozho
- Kairos
- Mitakuye oyashin
- ASCAP Title Code: 532077851
- Date Composed: 2002
- Copyright: 2007 M Mauldin
- Duration (MM:SS): 6:37
- Score/Parts: M Mauldin (computer engraved. Available for sale at $1.95 each.)
- Recording: Archival recording of the premiere. A studio recording by the Pacific Boychoir, conducted by Kevin Fox, is included on the CD "Enchantment: Music by Michael Mauldin," produced by M Mauldin, $10.95 plus shipping.
- Lyrics:
Words: Paraphrased from "Worldwords" by Victor La Cerva, MD, HEAL Foundation
Press (used by permission).
I. Nasha hozho (Navajo: to walk in the beauty way)
To walk in beauty, to walk in beauty,
is to know the goodness of all creation.
to walk in beauty.
II. Kairos (Greek: Right timing/synchronicity)
Trust that part of you always knows when to listen,
that part of you always knows when to act.
Honor the knowing of the other way to listen, listen, listen.
Invite the rhapsody of committed surrender.
III. Mitakuye oyashin (Lakota: We are related to everyone and everything)
We walk through the earth with open eyes,
to be one with all that is.
We accept our humble place in this vast creation,
to honor kinship with all that lives.
O sacred candle of understanding,
light our paths, we are part of a great unfolding.
We are related to life around us;
we are part of the life-force of all creation.
We walk through the earth with open eyes,
to be one with all that is.
All things above us, all things below us,
all honor kinship with all that lives.
We honor kinship with all that has life.